Thursday, February 2, 2012

The long promised update...

Our front porch!

Life can get so busy at times! Now would definitely be one of those times... But, I'm making time to post an update that I've promised for so long.

As many of you already know, Victor is no longer working at his job In Red Oak. He has come home now and we are trying different business ideas to see what will work. It's fun spending so much time together, and I'm really enjoying it. It's also been so exciting to see all the ways that God has already been providing for us!

The girls are growing up so fast, and they are enjoying having daddy home SO much. What a blessing for them to be able to see their daddy more and be trained and loved and discipled by him. It really takes a burden off me, that's for sure!

Our little cowgirl getting ready to take on the...

"Daddy bull!"

We've been enjoying this "unusually warm" winter here in Iowa. But we're also still looking forward to spring. We're hoping to have a huge garden and some chickens! That will be so fun and nice to have fresh things that we grow ourselves.

Hannah is four now and such a big girl. She loves taking care of her younger sisters and is a great help to mommy and daddy! She's such a joy to be around!

Sarah is looking forward to her birthday in April when she'll be three! She's talking so much now and loves doing everything big sister does! She's also a big help and can do so much around the house to help out.

Rachel is one now and running all over! She's a bundle of energy and is so cute! Her expressions and personality are just hilarious sometimes. She's also very musical and loves to sing and play the piano!

Victor and I are doing well and enjoying spending more time working together. It's hard to believe we've almost been married for five years! Our time together has been challenging in circumstance, but beautiful in relationship! I thank God for the husband He's given me!

Our three little blessings!

I'll try to post soon with pics of the house as well as our candle party on Friday.


Morgan family said...

Thank you for posting this update, much to our enjoyment!

I can't get over how different the girls look from July...and the last picture...*SO* adorable! =)


Morgan family said...

Wow! They have grown up so much since the last time I saw y'all!
