Monday, June 7, 2010

Picture Update...

Here are some recent pictures of the Victor Maxson family! Hope all are doing well.
With love,
1. Last night we heard explosions outside (we've heard them before, not too uncommon) and then our power went off. Today when we got home, there was a guy out back fixing a line that had blown.
2.Victor has been practicing his photography skills lately and Hannah is a great subject.
3. My beloved husband loves to bring me flowers out of our yard. Here is one of his beautiful arrangments!
4.Today we went to a beautiful restaurant called Cafe Mandala. The food was delicious and the girls had lots of fun playing in green grass and on the see-saw, swing and boat! Here is Hannah on a swing just her size!
5.Here is my beloved husband and little girl! Today we have been married for three years and two months!
6. Hannah and Sarah in a canoe that is used for fishing on lake Malawi

1 comment:

Ruth Ann said...

Bethany, what sweet pictures! Thanks for sharing! Your little girls are growing up so very fast. My how time flies!

May God continue to be with your whole family!

Love you!