Friday, June 13, 2008

Delight thyself in the Lord, part 2

On the Valentines day when I was 16, it dawned on me that I was nearing the age where I would be old enough to get married. Because of this, I wrote out a list of what I wanted in a husband. This list was not physical but rather it was character and lifestyle. Here is the list I wrote:

  • A strong walk with and desire for God and His will.
  • A heart for missions.
  • A love for music.
  • A love for children and desire for many.
  • Level-headedness - not easily shaken up.
  • Servants heart- ready and willing to serve.
  • Leader.
  • Love for others.
  • Strong in body and spirit.
  • Likeness in convictions, faith and beliefs.
  • Like desires and goals.
  • Cheerful - have a ready smile.
  • Content with his lot in life.
  • Obedient and submissive to elders.
  • Willing to lead in family devotions.
  • Leader among his peers.
  • Loves my family and my family loves him.
  • I love his family and they love me.
  • Humble.
  • Pure.
  • Tender.
  • Protecting.
  • Romantic.
  • Forgiving.
  • Has a source of steady income and can support a family.

And so, here was my list. Through out the few remaining years until I got married, I often wondered if anyone even exisited with those qualifications. And yet, he did...



Ruth Ann said...

Bethany...I'm loving this!

If you didn't know it before now, please know it now. :) This is greatly encouraging to me. I guess a lot of times you see one who courts, gets married & starts with theirr family. And then, you don't really see them 'looking back' because they're in a whole new world now of serving their husband and being the keeper-at-home that God made them to be.

So, I appreciate the time you're taking. Stories & marriages like yours give me hope & encouragement, that God's will & God's timing are the very best. And even when it may seem hard to wait, His perspective is so much greater.

I've never taken the time to write out a list like you did. I've thought about it, and thought about the qualities I want my husband to possess, but think I really should take the time to sit down and write out my convictions, what's important to me, and what I would want to see in a husband. I know that it is a good thing to write it when you're younger and aren't as emotional (?) about stuff, or aren't at the "age" yet for marriage, but I think it would benefit me to instead of say "oh I want to get married" and be happy with whoever comes along my path - but to trust the Lord to fulfill His purposes and know that He cares about everything. I smile whenever I think of Jennie Chancey and how as a girl on her list wrote down that she wanted her husband to like broccoli. As a grown woman she thought that was the silliest thing to write, but God even answered that small, "unimportant" request of hers - simply to show that He is a God who cares for every detail of ours lives.

So, this is a long comment but if there was no one else you were writing this for, this is well worth it for just me. I'm not bragging or anything, just thankful to know you and be encouraged by what you have to share.

Love you!! Hope you're having a great day. :)

Ruth Ann

Granny Kate said...

Looking forward to future installments!