Friday, January 8, 2010

Home and getting settled...

We're home! Sorry it's taken me so long to post. We arrived home safely on the 30th and have been settling in ever since. I've been meaning to post a couple times and just haven't found the time. We kinda hit the ground running.
Since we've gotten back we've expierienced the usual power and water outages (although not as much as before) and the weather was hot right when we got here. And yet, God has blessed us. The rains have come a little and cooled things down a bit. We have gotten caught up on some much needed rest. Different ones in the church seem to be growing and it seems like God is starting a work of revival. God has been granting us grace through our many trials (like the fridge stopping working and losing some food because of it).
And so... we step back from the everyday and look up and say... "Thank you, Father. You've been so good to us." For truly He has been.  

1 comment:

Ruth Ann said...

Bethany...thanks for sharing! I really appreciate your last comments:

And so... we step back from the everyday and look up and say... "Thank you, Father. You've been so good to us." For truly He has been.

That blessed me!