Hannah with "Grandma and Grandpa Myers":)
Then on Saturday, Victor gave me a delightful mother's day. He bought me a porta-crib for Hannah (I'd been wanting one for her since she outgrew her bassinet and needed something bigger). It works wonderful. He also got me dinner (wings and potatoes!!!) since I had been down with a stomach bug all day. Then for dessert, he bought me an ice cream cake!
Here's Hannah making a mother's day card for me with a little help from Daddy:) Afterwards she was so happy with herself as you can see below.
Monday found us on our way to Iowa. It was a long day, but Hannah did pretty well. The first flight was a little rough, but I realized after we landed, that the reason for her fussiness was a dirty diaper. Oops...

Hannah in the airport...
Hannah waiting for our plane (and getting daddy's arm very wet:)...
Hannah and I waiting for my parents to come pick all of us up...
Victor painting grandma and grandpa's old farmhouse...
Hannah and her great-grandma...
Hannah playing in an exer-saucer that one of grandma's friends let us borrow! I love the look on her face!!
Hannah basking in the sun in the middle of grandma's flowerbed...
Daddy and Caleb painting the barn. You can see the lighter old paint and the darker new paint...
Joseph (9) got this picture of Hannah and I. I think it turned out really well...
Here's Hannah and grandma...
Here's another classic Hannah expression... gotta love it:)
Hannah loved spending time with her great-grandparents, as you can see from this picture...
...and this one.
Here are four generations! We got a picture like this when Grandma came to visit us in Texas, but I was still in birth recovery, and I didn't quite care for the picture, so we did a retake. I like this much better:)
All in all, we had a wonderful trip. The guys worked on painting the barn and the house, and I got to visit lots. We also got to see Uncle Dave, Aunt Michelle, Zak and Rachael. That was fun, but I forgot pictures... oops!! I'll try to post more pictures later...
Fun! I like all the pictures you posted, Bethany. Looks like you had a nice time up north. I'll have to check back later when you've added titles, but it was fun seeing them now anyway. Hannah is so cute and growing up! That's really sweet that Victor helped her make a mother's day card for you, and your mother's day celebrations sound like they were such a blessing!
So...I guess this was what you were doing while Victor was here in Jacksonville at the men's meeting. (my brother just got home and said that Victor was there - and I was just looking at your post, so I thought that was neat!!)
Hope y'all are all doing well, and you're still having fun CVSing!
Talk to you soon...
Ruth Ann
Loved all your pictures Bethany. Looks like y'all had a good trip. Hannah looks like such a little sweetie. I thought the picture of her laying out in the flower bed was just too cute! :)
Also, so true what you said about treasuring the moments!
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