This contest has a winner!!
Tes283... Congratulations!
This contest is closed.
I've participated on the "getting end" with Bloggy Giveaways quarterly carnival before, but this is my first time to participate on the "giving end".
I'm new to couponing and bargin shopping, so I decided to do my giveaway based on that. Since I'm trying to collect as many coupons as possible, I am also getting a lot that I really don't need. SO, instead of letting them go to waste, I've decided to do a giveaway here...
I have over $100 worth of coupons that I'll be passing on to a winner this Friday (April 25th). All you have to do, is to post with your name and a way to contact you. Would you like to be entered twice? Look around on my blog and tell me three ways I could improve my blog. Would you like to be entered three times? Then also post on your own blog about this giveaway, and come back here and leave me the link. I will be drawing a winner on Friday evening, so please come back before then. Also, this contest is only open to those who reside in the US.
Thanks for stopping by...
Gotta love saving money. Count me in!
I have no words of wisdom as I am rather new to blogging. Good luck!
I LOVE coupons!! Go to my blog and check out my coupon binder...I think you'll like it!
Coupons are great, count me in!
If I were you, I'd get rid of the neon green font, and update the other font in your header so it can be read more easily. Also, your About Me page should be near the top, not the bottom of your blog so people can find out more about you!
Please enter me into your contest.
Thanks, Lisa
My name is Kimberly (not Matthew - he's my son). I'm new to blogging too. I have a page but nothing written on it. I just stare at a blank screen! How pathetic is that.
Thanks for the prize offer. I can be reached at hunnyv at optonline dot net. THANKS!
I love smart shopping and couponing - would love to win!
I am a coupon queen! Love this giveaway!
Love the coupons!
I'm new to couponing so this may be a great way to get me started.
The blog: I like the layout and color scheme a lot. I could do without the counters and I didn't understand why there were two of them but they are registering different numbers. Thank goodness you don't have any of the annoying elevator music playing in the background like a lot of blogs do. Your pictures are nice and clear. I think you are doing a good job here!
I am a coupon queen! Thanks!
I would love these - I recently told my dad that I would rather have coupons for my birthday than a "real" gift!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com
I am getting addicted to couponing but am having trouble coming up with smartsource coupons no paper here has them UGH....soooo words of wisdom...get them from ebay or a coupon train CHOO CHOO!!! I would love to have them
Hi Bethany! Count me in! Ok three ways you could improve.....
(Like I would know, my blog is ALWAYS a mess!)
1) I don't like the counters very much. I don't really have a reason, just the fact that it makes me feel like I'm being watched.
2) I liked the HTML format that you used before better. The one with the picture of you and your husband. It was easier to read, and seemed organized.
3) It's kind of crowded on the sidebar to the right.
But I like your blog, and even if you didn't change a think, I would still read it. :)
I am new to the world of using coupons myself! This is a terrific give away! Thanks for doing this!
If I remember to use coupons, I can save money (I forgot when I went to the store last night =( ).
You might consider revamping your title at the top, it's hard to read against the background picture!
very cool giveaway!
I love saving money. :)
i've just started "couponing" in the past month, so i could definitely use some to add to the stash! i love saving money!
Love coupons!!! Thanks!
I think I have been using coupons since the day I was born :) -- and hate to buy anything without one... so please enter me!!
I love coupons! I had a 7 inch stack of coupon inserts on my desk that unfortunately burned up when our house caught on fire, so I could use these!
Please enter me in this great giveaway, it's definately needed now. Thank you
What a great idea!
Coupons are great! I love saving money!
Hi Bethany!! Will you count me?? Sounds like lots of coupons. :) for your blog. Hmm, it's kinda weird telling someone suggestions for their own blog. But you asked, so here you go:
As I know nothing about the design of blogs and how "easy" or not it is to do something...please don't think I know "how" to do what I'm even saying!!
I would suggest getting your header picture to be the same width as the white part of your blog. I don't know if it is oversized or what, but the way it hangs over the page is weird. The picture is really lovely though - is it of Africa??
I agree with some others who say get rid of the counters. Unless you really want them of course. Maybe if you really wanted them you could make them smaller and put them at the very bottom.
One other thing is I would put a family pic of you, Victor & Hannah up there underneath the "About Me" part and above your names. I think that would make it look pretty! And maybe a cute of Hannah down the sidebar by herself. That's just a suggestion!
I also like what you have written up in your header...that's really sweet! "This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes..." Amen to that!!
Well, now that I've "yacked" enough...I'm running along! I hope that you're having a blessed day. I think of you often and hope to see you again soon! It's already been so long. :)
Ruth Ann
Great giveaway-gotta love coupons! Please enter me!
I love coupons! :)
I love coupons!! This is great-thanks!
Great idea for a giveaway! My coupon stockpile is running pretty low . . .
fiordpiner [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would love to start using coupons, but we don't get any around here.
I love coupons. Thanks for the chance. :)
Hello, thank you for the invite.
now advise:
1. Put pictures on the sides.
2. Visitors vs visits: small - tiny letters on bottom. I do not need to see or know this.
3. Add a second color or shade of green.
4. Update who is in the family.
5. Personalize the "Posted by Victor and Bethany Maxson at (time) 0 comments Links to this post" with just your name or the Maxson family.
That is all,
Blessings and good luck
A wonderful lady from my church shared with me the wonderful ways of saving money using coupons.
There's alot of saving that can be done.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Great giveaway! Enter me,please!
Enter me. I could use some coupons.
I would just add some pictures to the side or maybe some fun surveys or music. I always love listening to music when reading blogs.
emily_albrecht at hotmail dot com
I am new to coupon clipping! I would love to win!
Thanks for the chance, we live in a small city, and so our newspaper insert coupons,well to put it politely are virtually non-existent, I'd love to win!
I love coupons! Great idea!
learningmama at yahoo dot com
Such a good idea. I am a huge coupon clipper!! I have been a member of the grocery game for a while and save so much money from clipping coupons. I have a coupon binder that would blow your mind lol. Keep up with the coupon clipping!! It's so worth it, and thank you for the chance to win these extra coupons!!
how exciting! i wonder what they would be!?!?!?
I like getting free coupons and the best part is that I don't have to clip them. Thx
sweetpea023 at gmail dot com
Coupons are great!! Thank you for the chance to win.
Thanks for letting me know about this! I would love to be entered;)
Thanks for letting me know about this! I would love to be entered;)
Ohh i love coupons, i just wish i could keep up on them more.. Getting the paper and things.. E-mail is attached to my profile! Thanks for sharing with everyone
Love coupons! :) Thanks for the giveaway. :)
I love coupons! What a great deal! Thanks for the offer, I'd love to win!
I'm a big coupon clipper and would love to win this!
I love coupons!
LOVE coupon shopping here!
Great giveaway - I am a coupon NUT! Thank you!
Love the coupon idea! I don't think there is anything I would change about your blog! It is simple and has a beautiful header picture!
Thanks, also, for visiting my blog and website. I really appreciate the feedback!
Okay, I'm game, we use coupons too. Thanks
Great idea! I'm trying desparately to get at couponing! This would give me a really good start! =)
I really need to win this because I am a first year teacher who is BROKE and needs more coupons! I think a good suggestion is don't change much, but perhaps a more colorful and bright background!
I would love to win this giveaway. As for improving your blog I always think a more customized look is nice. But I design blogs on the side so don't listen to me if you don't want too. ;)
I love coupons. Since someone stole mine last year at the grocery store :(, I've been trying to get mine organized again like I like them.
i love using coupons
Great giveaway; I'd love to win. thanks and please enter mine, too!
I hope I'm not too late to enter.
Enter me, please!
I'm a new coupon clipper. I would love to add these to my stash.
I can always use more coupons. I just got a coupon organizer and started collecting them.
I love coupons as well. I would love to win this! Thank you!
I always use coupons, you can never have too many!
I love coupons and saving money. Could always use some more! cookiecutter72 AT hotmail dot com
I love coupons! I posted recently about my coupon organization. Today I got some free cereal because of coupons!
I'm not sure if my previous post went through or not since I did not receive a confirmation after hitting submit. Since you're a new couponer, I suggest you check out if you havn't already. It's an awesome coupon forum. They talk about deals going on at all kinds of stores and even have a trading forum.
Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for the giveaway
What a great idea. please enter me. katie_mmartin (at) yahoo [dot] com
I heart coupons. I hope I win. Thanks!
Yay coupons!
nottheplan (at) gmail (dot) com
I love saving money
I love using coupons, especially at Harris Teeter on triple coupon weekends!!
I love coupons and saving money!!
I am the coupon queen. Hope I win! Thanks!
I love coupons. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Love me some coupons!
I love coupons! Thanks for the giveaway!
Please enter me. I love you coupons.
Great giveaway! The only thing I can see that I'd change about your site is the hit counter is showing up twice. Love your header!! Here's hoping we buy different stuff!
I'd use them! I have trouble finding a lot of coupons here. Thanks!
I can always use more coupons! Thanks for the contest!
Coupons are awsome! Althought the person behind me in the checkout line dosn't always think so. Thanks for the great giveaway!
neat idea!
With a family of ten, we can use all of the coupons we can get! Thank you for this chance to win yours!
i love coupons. please include me! parky695(at)hotmail(dot)com
Coupons! YEAH!! Please enter me!
My coupon stash is getting low---I could really use this! Thanks!
I'm addicted to coupon-ing.
gotfire (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a big couponer, this would be great!
I WON!!!
I am so happy but...(I was silly) I deleted instead of opening so
Bethany, Please send your notice again if you did not get my return e-mail.
Thank you SO much.
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