Friday, August 8, 2008

We're on our way...

We've left on our long trip. We'll be travelling for at least six weeks and visiting in at least 8 different states during that time, it should be fun and exiciting. Please pray for me, as I'm in the first trimester and haven't been feeling real great the last few days. We'll try to keep you all up-to-date as much as possible. I'm not sure how often we'll have internet access, but we'll see.

Right now we're in Virginia visiting with my Aunt, Grandma and Cousin. From here, we'll head to Williamsburg on Monday, Lord Willing. If you are interested in seeing where we will be when, you can go to our site and click on calender. We'll try to keep it up to date!


{ jessica } said...

We are all looking foward to seeing ya'll in Tennessee!! Have a save (and hopefully not too tiring!) trip!

AutiMama said...

You are missed!

Know that you all remain in our thoughts and prayers daily!
May the Lord bless your family and may HE be glorified in all you do!

Faithfully in Christ,
Sam & Marisol