Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fw: Picture update on the Maxson Family

Thanks Bethany,
Your family is so cute!!!  The girls sure are growing up fast aren't they?  We would like to see some pictures with you and the girls together too.  It is good to hear that you all are happy and healthy!
With my love,  Teri
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: Picture update on the Maxson Family

Here are a few pictures and a little update on what we've been doing here in the warm heart of Malawi!
1. Sarah is growing up SO fast. She might be an early walker. It's hard to tell. She's much more daring than Hannah was. Here she's holding on to Daddy's fingers and walking! She LOVES it!
2.And yet, all that walking can really tire you out. So much so that you can't even finish your dinner (she now has 8 teeth and is working on more and loves to eat with us).
3. On Monday the 25th, we took a trip to Zomba to visit an old friend of Victor's who has recently gotten married. We enjoyed our visit with them and the wonderful food they served. Then we went to the botanical gardens and enjoyed a relaxing time together. Here, Hannah found a fun little "swing" and enjoyed it for a little while.
4.Here's Daddy with his two precious princesses as he calls them. So sweet!
5. Hannah is very good at finding fun things to play with, and here she's found some rocks to play on. What fun!
6. Here, Daddy was trying to get Sarah to look at the camera, and Sarah (who loves to copy) is doing the same thing.
And that brings us up to date. Ben (Vic's brother) and his wife and two children are here visiting but they're staying with the Maxson's. I'll try to get some pictures at some point and post them. Our camera is poor quality, though, so I've been having a hard time getting good pictures lately. Maybe someday we'll get a better camera, but for now, this is good enough.

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