Today marks one year since Victor and I promised our love to each other. So much has happened in this past year. We've moved four times. We gave birth to our first child. We changed states and churches. But most importantly, we grew in our love for and understanding of one another. A year ago, we hardly knew each other. Today we know each other a little bit better, but we still have a long ways to go.
Our day started off beautifully. Victor did so much to make it a happy day for me. He let me sleep in and slipped out to Wal-Mart and bought me roses and a card.

Once he got back, I was up and getting ready for the day. We had devotions as a family and then got ready and went shopping. Maybe this wasn't the most spectacular thing we could have done, but neither of us felt like packing up again and travelling more. So, we just spent the day together do fun things. For lunch, my sweetheart took me to Firehouse Subs (one of my favorite restaurants) and Cold Stone Creamery.
After we got home, we rested a bit and watched a documentary about the Auca's and the five men who were martyred. It's a really neat story. Then we went for a walk down around the park near us. It's so beautiful down there.

After we got home, Victor took the picture at the top of this post. He actually set the camera on top of our car and put the timer on it:)
Then he made me the breakfast he had planned to make but was unable to due to a missing ingredient (oh, the joys of moving).
In the evening, I put Hannah to sleep and we lit some candles and enjoyed just sitting and talking together. What fun we had all day...
And now... we're on to another year together. We will try to keep this updated as to what we do and where we go.
*awww - that is SO SWEET! Thank you for sharing Bethany. It is so hard to believe that it has already been a year. I wasn't at your wedding, but heard lots about it and saw plenty of pictures. Stories like yours gives me hope for my future, for whatever God has for me. Because His way is always perfect! Thank you for sharing - and I love family pic!! I hope to see you soon.
Oh, and Firehouse Subs is a favorite of mine as well!!
Ruth Ann
Happy Anniversary to y'all. It was great to see you at the wedding. The Lord has blessed y'all with such a sweet baby, and it was great to meet her.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
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