Dear friends,
Thank you for praying for us! We praise the Lord for answering the prayers you offered up to Him as we traveled over a thousand miles from San Antonio, Texas, to central Florida. Bethany's family were kind to accompany us, pulling their trailer behind them loaded with our boxes and stuff! It was a long but blessed journey, and we were thankful to arrive here in Dunnellon weary but safe on Wednesday afternoon, April 2nd. It was just hard to see Bethany's family go the following Friday morning!
We are now living in Dunnellon in a small, detached apartment owned by a dear brother in the church. We praise the Lord for providing this place to stay before we go to Malawi!
It is also a great blessing to fellowship again with the brethren at Faith Baptist. This is the congregation I grew up in and was saved and baptized in! We are in the process of joining this church soon as members and look forward to being sent out from here to Malawi to serve in the harvest fields there. Our plan is to go to Malawi by October or November, as the Lord provides. Meanwhile, I plan to work for a local Christian plumber, and visit churches interested in our work.
Malawi is a land which has AIDS, orphans, and poverty. There are many needy children, and over 1 million orphans. My parents have tried to reach out in various ways while living in Malawi. Recently I was surprised and delighted to hear that I have a new baby brother. Some of you know about Samuel. Others do not. He is the second little boy that has come to my parents through the crisis care nursery in Lilongwe. He was born on Feb. 1, 2008, but his mother died soon after, and he was handed over to the social welfare system. At one and one half months old he weighed 7 lbs., which is less than my daughter Hannah weighed at birth! I am excited to have a new brother and looking forward to meeting him soon!
Please continue to pray for God's provision. I was encouraged recently by a message I heard in the assembly on worry. It is not our business to worry and fret, but how often we do that very thing! I know I do. Especially for a missionary, who must trust God more directly to provide for and protect him and his family, worry about the future can seem overwhelming at times. It is a good reminder each day to cast my cares on Christ in prayer, and let Him take the load off my back. Pray for me that I would trust God completely in everything He leads us through. I believe that God will get the glory by providing for us as we trust in Him.
We are indebted to you for your prayers and fellowship in the gospel. Thank you for partnering with us!
Please keep in touch!
Yours by grace,
Victor and Bethany Maxson
Contact details:
Sending Church:
Faith Baptist Tabernacle
Pastor Richard A. Harding
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