Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trip update #3...

Here's our third update... I'll try to bring you all up to date. Tuesday morning, Victor spent some time helping Jesse Saint unpack some airplane wings. Once he got home, we had lunch and then went shopping. Tuesday evening, we went to visit with Victor's Uncle Scott and Aunt Sue. Bad girl me though, I forgot to take pictures. Oops!
Wednesday, we took it kind of slow in the morning. In the afternoon, we went to visit with some people in the church and had dinner with the Eppersons. Then we went to church, where Victor spoke to the church about our goals and our calling to go to Malawi. We enjoyed our time there, and look forward to, Lord willing, going back soon.
Today, we spent the morning driving and have spent the afternoon with Aunt Teri and Uncle Carlos. We're enjoying ourselves very much. This afternoon before dinner, Uncle Carlos took some great pictures of Hannah, which I'll include below.
We aren't sure just yet what we'll be doing tomorrow, but I'll try to remember to get pictures and post them later (maybe tomorrow).

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