I'm sure many of you have heard about this wonderful new book, Passionate Housewives. My beloved husband bought me a copy, and I REALLY enjoyed it. In fact, I liked it so much, we decided to give a copy away to one of our blog readers.
To enter the contest, simply leave a comment with your name and either your blog address or an email address, so that I can contact you if you win. Would you like to be entered twice? Simply post about this giveaway on your blog and leave the link in a comment!!
This giveaway will be open through noon on Tuesday the 12th when I will close it and send the book off to the winner, so be sure to pass the word along to your friends and post on your blogs!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway :)
I'd like a copy, thanks.
keeper_at_home1986 "at" yahoo.ca
Hello! What a wonderful website. This book sounds wonderful. Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it!
Could you enter me in? Thanks! My e-mail is madi7848@yahoo.com.
Oh that would be so fun! I'd love to win!
Count me in!!
reformedbeliever (at) yahoo (do) com
I would love to be entered! I will post about it on my blog as well!
Here is my blog post:
Thanks for entering me!
Well, now, that's a book on my wishlist! It'd be great to win it. Thanks.
I've read some wonderful reviews on this book. I am on a 'book diet' so I would LOVE a copy! I'll be happy for whoever ends up with it, though! :-)
Please enter me in your drawing
I would love to be enetred to win this book. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Please enter me as well! Thanks! My email is: inspiredtoday32@yahoo.com
I don't know if you got my comment that I posted it on my blog! It is www.homeschoolblogger.com/martha
I've been wanting to get this book!
Would love to win!! Thanks for doing this! -Mrs. T theaudprincess@hotmail.com
I've heard some great things about this book!!! Thank you for such a generous give away... :-)
what a great giveaway, I'm anxious to read it. thanks Lisa
I'd love to have this book!!!
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