Monday, January 7, 2008

A Father’s Blessing on His Newborn Daughter

My dear little girl,

How glad our hearts were when we first found out you were in your mother’s womb! We had prayed for a child and you were the answer to that prayer! We continued to pray and grew to love you more as Mommy’s tummy grew. Our hearts went out to God for this little gift of life that we had not yet seen with our eyes. Then, just five days ago, you made your appearance in our home and in this world. How overjoyed we were and delighted to share this special time with you!

My heart’s desire of blessing for you, my dear daughter, is that you would, most of all, grow to know and love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and live for Him with all your heart. To this end I dedicate myself to you as your teacher of truth, defender from harm, and guide in the way (along with your mother) to lead you, as much as we can, to the Lord Jesus.

As your first name is Hannah, which means “grace” in Hebrew, so may God’s grace rest upon your life in a rich way. May this make you a gracious and virtuous woman for Him.

As your middle name is Faith, remember that you will always be a helpless babe spiritually dependent on Christ to strengthen and help you. Keep your eyes on Him, dear, and trust Him with everything.

Also remember, for now you are a Maxson. There are good things about your heritage as well as bad. Your Grandma and Grandpa Maxson and Grandma and Granddad Turack have set great examples to follow. “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation” (Heb. 13:7).

We as your parents give ourselves to love you no matter what, pray for you, care for your needs and train you up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. It won’t always be easy, but remember, we love you, and have your best interests in mind. We will pray for a godly husband for you and for a godly home and children someday. We will seek to train you to be a Proverbs 31 woman who acts virtuously in all things.

Our hearts are with you, sweetie. Never forget - we love you! You are ours!



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