Dear praying friends,
Greetings from chilly Africa! We're in our cold season, and experiencing temperatures down to 53 F.
This past month or so has been one of joy mixed with sadness. Beth's grandmother in Iowa passed away on May 25th from cancer that she suffered from for quite a while. While we rejoice that she was a believer and is without pain with Christ, we also sorrow for ourselves as she was a dear grandmother.
The leadership training seminars on May 16th and June 20th went quite well. We had over twenty people show up for each. Dad finished the sufficiency of Scripture and then dealt with regenerate church membership. These are vital truths that are sorely lacking here. I taught on the early church and Middle Ages. Percy Chisenga is teaching on systematic theology, and gave an introduction in May. In June he dealt with the topic of Bibliology or the doctrine of the Scripture.
Dad and I both are involved in personal discipleship. We have decided to give one service per month to the Malawian brethren who are training for leadership. This has worked out quite well.
We also praise the Lord that the house in Williston has finally rented out beginning this month, which is a great blessing and answer to prayer.
Our girls continue to bring great joy to our hearts. Sarah is an adorable, smiley baby. Hannah is saying small words, and understands a lot of what we say!
Beth continues to love and encourage me. Her main ministry is supporting me and caring for our girls, but she also has a burden to be more involved in the lives of the young ladies in the church. Pray for her as it is not easy to be so far from family and friends.
Some Prayer Needs
We are still waiting on God for housing in town, so we can be more available for the people of the church.
Continue praying for revival and the full establishment of the church here. Pray for a permanent location for the church also. Our venue is suitable for the bookshop but will soon be outgrown by the church. The last two Sundays we had about 45 people, and only one or two empty chairs!
God has met our needs, over and above what we deserve. We praise Him for that. Pray for grace and wisdom to reach out and care for others in this needy land. Thank you for your prayers and generous support! God bless you!
In Christ,
Victor, Bethany, Hannah and Sarah Maxson
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