Dear praying friends,
How thankful we are to God for His goodness to us! Since we wrote last, we have seen God's hand in wonderful ways in our lives! Our praise fails to do justice to the greatness of God's mercy to us! We would like to praise God for the following blessings:
· Sarah Hope's birth - April 3rd
Praise God for adding Sarah Hope to our quiver! She is a sweetheart with long, dark hair, and beautiful blue eyes. She is growing well. Hannah likes to kiss her and hold her too! Pray with us for the salvation of our little ones, for wisdom in training them, and for their health and safety in this dangerous world. Beth has recovered well, and we are thankful!
· Our Second Anniversary
Our second wedding anniversary came and went on April 7th without a big to-do, since Sarah had just been born. However, we were able to go up to Kuchawe Inn in Zomba on April 21st, for a special "vision" time of remembering where the Lord has taken us, and planning and dreaming together about the future. It was a priceless outing with the beautiful girl God has given me!
· Church Covenant and New Venue
Late March saw the church covenant, a joyous time of commitment by 18 people. In April we finally found a suitable location for the church to move to in Limbe, a small office room which we use in the week as a bookshop and Sundays for church. The bookshop has some great potential for ministry as well. Not only are we getting sound Reformed literature out at reasonable cost, but it also provides a meeting place in the week for those who want fellowship, counsel or prayer. Please pray for this ministry as well. May 3rd the people corporately chose the name Antioch Baptist Church, as we are no longer in the Chichiri location. It is our desire that Antioch Baptist Church would be a training point and launch base for biblical truth and missions within Malawi like Antioch in the New Testament. Pray for us as we would like to move closer to town to provide more opportunities for hospitality and interaction.
· The First Leadership Training Seminar – April 18th
The first leadership seminar was a blast! Several from Grace Baptist in Zomba came with Pastor Chisenga. Also we had visitors from within Blantyre along with men from our church. We had glorious teaching on Zambian Reformed Baptist history, the sufficiency of Scripture, and early church martyrs. It was a joyful time of fellowship and study! Please pray for the next seminar on Saturday, May 16th! Pray that these would help equip the men here to be ready and able to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2). A dear church in NC has lovingly sent some study aids as gifts to the men here, for which we are very grateful.
Pray for us, dear ones! We are so thankful for your sacrificial giving and care in so many ways! Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We love to hear from each of you!
In Christ,
Victor, Bethany, Hannah, and Sarah
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