We're in the countdown now, getting ready to leave for Africa in about a week. Right now, though, we are up in Carrabelle visiting with Victor's Grandparents and Ben and Kim. Grandpa rented a cabin for us and Ben and Kim. It's a really cute cabin right across from the beach.
Yesterday when we got here, Grandma had cooked us an early Thanksgiving meal. It was DELICIOUS! After lunch, we all went walking on the beach together. What fun and special times. Hannah got to walk on the sand in her barefeet with mommy and daddy holding her hands. We didn't get any pictures of that though...
Victor walking along the beach talking with his Grandpa.
Grandma, Kim, Isaiah and Ben walking along the beach.
Standing around on the beach.
Ben with Isaiah and Victor with Hannah.
Grandma and Grandpa Maxson on the beach.
Hannah sitting on Great-Grandpa's lap.
Hannah (10 months) and Isaiah (almost a year). Cousins and friends.
Really cute pics of Hannah and Isaiah. Looks like a lot of fun!
So cute seeing them together. :)
Looks like fun family time. Hey, send me your e-mail and I'll send you an invite to my blog....if you want that is! :-)
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